5e Aquatic Elf / Sea Elf
I tweaked the Aquatic Elf subrace for D&D 5th edition based on some old builds I found for previous rules such as Pathfinder. I needed a 5e Sea Elf for my swashbuckling campaign (Seas of Vodari) I...
View ArticleApprentice Characters
The topic of creating Apprentice or Zero level characters came up in a discussion group. and I’d like to do a quick writeup with my thoughts about creating one for 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons....
View ArticleThe Evil Campaign Quick Guide
So here’s the scenario: your group has decided to delve into the dark side and try out a campaign where they will be playing “evil” characters. Maybe you’ve never done this before, or maybe you’ve...
View Article5 Ways To Be A Better Roleplayer
Fundamentally, I look at D&D campaigns as stories. Each adventure or event is a chapter and the campaign as a whole is a novel. It should have set-up, background, main characters, side characters,...
View ArticleThe Endless Character Stats Debate
Here’s a question that every DM gets asked a hundred times: How do you roll stats/attribute scores? Doesn’t sound like a terribly tough question; but, depending on your players and the kind of avatars...
View ArticleIt’s A Kind of Magic
So you’ve decided to be a spell caster! It’s a good career move with lots of exciting options and mystical powers to explore. When roleplaying, you’ll be able to use your magic to aid in searches,...
View ArticleSix Pop Culture Sword Masters to Inspire Your Characters
Historically speaking, there have been dozens of legendary sword masters from all over the world. Some examples include: Tsukahara Bokuden (1489-1571) who is accredited with winning 20 duels and...
View Article5 Mind Blowing Movie Twists for D&D
When it comes to D&D campaigns, I love a great twist. I enjoy unfolding a mystery or a riddle slowly over the course of several sessions. And the moment when the players (or a player) figure(s) out...
View ArticlePutting The Fun in Funeral – 8 Weird Ways To Die In D&D
Death in D&D can range from the mundane to the downright strange. Maybe your character goes down to something as simple as a club to the head or maybe they get a sword in the guts. Or maybe they...
View ArticleLifestyles of the Rich and Famous PCs
Either as a player or a DM, have you ever reached the point where the party’s money was going out of control? I know that some DMs are very strict with their treasure and can be stingy with their coin,...
View Article5 D&D Campaigns Inspired By Reality Television
I’m thinking about the Bachelor, Hell’s Kitchen, and So You Think You Can Dance! Okay, I’m really not but I must admit that there’s something about the idea of combining dancing with arcane spells that...
View ArticleA Lich for Every Class: The Paths of Transcendence (Part 2)
This is the second part of a multi-part series about the character classes developing until they become ‘lich-like;’ that is, following the path of their power until they become something more or less...
View ArticleThe Almighty Johnsons, The Power of Self, and the Reverse Warlock
I had a conversation the other day regarding clerics, warlocks, and the nature of other-directed character advancement. It hadn’t ever been something I really considered, but it was a very important...
View ArticleThe Strange Case of the Half-Orc Champion
It turns out that having a bone surgically re-broken, getting some bone graft shoved inside you, and then having a bunch of plates and screws put in you doesn’t lend itself to quick recovery. What I am...
View ArticleBurden of Knowledge Design
One of the common usages of “burden of knowledge” is describing a situation where you need in-depth exposure (often first-hand) to understand something. For you to perform something to the highest...
View Articlee-D&D and Parallel Experiences
In a lot of ways, I’m a curmudgeon of a luddite who is afeared of technology. I mean, sure, I’ve literally worked on space telecommunications, but for some reason podcasts seem new and terrifying....
View ArticleJanusian Adventures
If you ask most people, they are glad to put 2016 in the rear-view mirror. People are looking to start fresh, kick old habits, and carve out a new story for themselves in the new year. However, the...
View ArticleCrazyhead, Misfits, and Glorious Incompetence
Everyone wants to be awesome, but let’s consider - if even for just a moment - that being awesome at failing might be something to try out.
View ArticleAging Adventurers and Bubba Ho-Tep
A look at how the cult classic Bubba Ho-Tep can provide inspiration for running games with aging adventurers.
View ArticlePlanescape: Torment and Personal Stories in Tabletop
A look at how one of the best video games of all time used a cosmic setting to tell personal stories, and how to do that in your own games.
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